Object Oriented model for Success
Yes, you read it right. Object oriented concepts are not just bound to programming, but, are much more than that if inferred in a correct way. Programming languages are just the technical implementation of its significance. We follow the model of object-oriented concepts in our real-world problems most of the times in a subconscious fashion.
Suppose, you are using a tea vending machine which provides different types of tea such as ginger tea, green tea or milk tea, etc. Is this not an object-oriented model? Look closely, you will find out, it follows all the principles of object-oriented model. It uses abstraction to provide tea, but the end user never gets to know how it works. It uses encapsulation when you press the button to get a certain type of tea, you just get to know, if you press a particular button, you will get a certain tea. But how it internally handles this is kept hidden from end user. Let us go deep, and we will realize it also implements Inheritance. There will be a basic mechanism to use certain ingredients to make a tea and then add certain ingredients based upon the choices of end user. Makes it the perfect case for classes and interfaces. Moreover, in a broader prospect, if we are using a resource to execute multiple tasks by just changing the inputs, we are looking at polymorphism.
We write programs in object-oriented fashion to compartmentalize the problems (most of the time, they represent real life scenarios) and then efficiently manage the entire project by abiding the principles of Object-oriented approach. The point is, if we manage to represent a real-life scenario in classes and solve many business problems, then why not apply this on our real-life issues on a personal level.
To succeed in today’s world, you need a clear conscience and what other than object-oriented concepts can help you deliver it for you. Objects are the center points while we program, and Focus is the epicenter of our actions. If we manage to channel our focus in the right way, we can do wonders to ourselves. People manage to get too many things on their plate and in the course of time, they start worrying about them all at one time. There is no wrong in having too many on your plate, but it is a shame to be not able to manage them effectively for a productive result. That is what we call inefficiency and we can be more efficient if we start managing one issue at a time rather than multi-tasking and being more prone to error.
There are many programming languages which have been developed and thrived and most of them have at some point of time, realized the importance of OOPS concepts. Think from that perspective, what made them realize about its importance. Efficiency is the answer. If you are not managing your focus properly, you can never be efficient. Your business might be an instant hit, but to sustain and thrive for a longer duration, what you need is discipline and efficiency to act in an orderly fashion over a course of time and solving the on-hand issues in a productive way.
Look at the success story of any organization, you will find one thing in common, and that would be its efficient organization structure to tackle market needs and produce quality output. Each entity of an organization is assigned a responsibility and all entities work together cohesively to achieve the common goal of an organization, which is success, while producing various outputs as per requirement. Bingo!
You are looking at a base class and its sub classes using inheritance, abstraction and encapsulation to grow a business model by maximum resource utilization in an efficient way.
Now start breaking down entities of an organization and you will find an individual at the bottom of it. A machine works when its all parts work in tandem and same stands true for an organization. If you want to build a successful organization, you need to be in sync with your mind and body first. You need to set an example that your partners and subordinates will follow. Every individual is special and will be good at something while vulnerable at other. All an efficient administrator needs to do is to suffice one’s need with other’s value and keep the cycle going through out the organizational structure. If you at the center of hierarchy can manage the pieces (entities) of your organization together in an efficient way, you are doing it right.
“Instant success stories are recognized but sustainable success stories are remembered.”